- . Goal
The Japan Toilet Association (JTA) was established as a voluntary organization in 1985, and it became a general incorporated association in 2017.
JTA is aiming for the following three main goals;
1. Toilet culture creation
2. Comfortable toilet environment creation
3. Contribution to the improvement of social issues including toilets
JTA named “Good Toilet Day” on 10th November and hold toilet symposiums as one of the JTA main events every year and this year is the 38th time.
The Good Toilet Commendation started in 2009 and this is 14th year. This commendation recognizes those who are practicing and proposing outstanding activities with the goal of creating an environment where everyone can comfortably use the toilet in anytime, anywhere in the sustainable society. We will recommend works that contribute as a model for promoting a best toilet environment.2. Target of Commendation and Application Categories
There are four categories of the specific activities in this commendation. They include research on toilets/ literary work and video creation/ dissemination activities/ education, wastewater treatment, toilet space/ design/ equipment/ building materials, etc., and new attempts of operation and cleaning management, proposals, results from deepening, and practical activities.
Due to the widespread involvement with the toilet, it becomes difficult to make a uniform evaluation, therefore, we decided to make separately evaluate for each category.
a) Production Category: Toilet Facilities Design, Production Design, etc.
b) Writing / Research Category: Literary work, Research paper, Technological Development, etc.
c) Maintenance / Management / Operation Category: Professional Maintenance, Cleaning, Operation, etc.
d) Social Activities Category: Assuming non-profit activities such as event holding, planning, toilet awareness, educational, comprehensive toilet, health, disaster support, volunteer, and civic activities, etc.3. Qualifications to Apply
We will accept a wide range of applications regardless of age nor JTA membership. The participation fee is free. English written applications from overseas are also acceptable. As a general rule, the activities are carried out within three years, excluding works that have been previously awarded by the other organization.4. Selection Method and Period
The selection will be conducted in following two stages;4.1 The first stage selection by the judging committee
The screening committee will comprehensively select referring to the results of each category committee. Two works will be generally selected in each category for Good Toilet Commendations. In addition, special commendations such as the “Association Commendation” or “Achievement Commendation” may be selected.
Toilet Symposium organized by JTA is always held in autumn at the venue of the “Toilet Industry Exhibition” sponsored by the Japan Management Association. This year’s results are announced at the 38th Toilet Symposium titled “Toilet and Maintenance in the SDGs Era” on 27th October, 2022.4.2 The second stage selection by the accumulative voting
The voting commendation by the participants will also be carried out. The presentation will be made on the homepage after the end date of the toilet symposium.
・ Voting from Homepage by members of the Japan Toilet Association (JTA)
・ Voting at the venue by toilet symposium participants and visitors at the Toilet Industry Exhibition
Homepage voting by all; The submitted works will be published on JTA homepage. All participants who cannot gather the venue because of COVID-19 or JTA members will be able to vote online. The participants are welcome to cooperate in the selection process. When the details are decided, we will inform them on JTA homepage and email.Good Toilet Commendation Judging Committee
– Committee Chairperson: Yoshiyuki Ueno, Ph.D. (JTA deputy chairperson, former professor of Chiba Institute of Technology/ ergonomics)
– Deputy Committee Chairperson: Yoshinori Komatsu, Ph.D. (JTA steering committee member, associate professor of Nagoya Institute of Technology/ building environmental engineering)
– Secretary: Sachiko Azai: (JTA steering committee member, Gondola Toilet Design Office, Good Toilet selection committee chairperson / architecture, workshop)
– Committee Members:
Junko Kobayashi, Ph.D. (JTA chairperson, CEO of Gondola Toilet Design Office / architecture)
Mikiko Takahashi, Ph.D. (JTA director, R & D headquarters of COMANY INC. / universal design)
Naotsune Hosono, Ph.D. (JTA steering committee member, director of NPO Niimaru / ICT, ergonomics, universal design)
Yachiyo Murakami, Ph.D. (JTA steering committee member, associate professor, Tokiwa Junior College, Actware Institute / early childhood education & environment)Category committee members
a) Production Category:
Yoshinori Komatsu, Ph.D. (Deputy committee chairperson as above)
Katsuya Iwasaki, Ph.D. (Professor of Tokai University, dean of School of Architecture of Urban Planning, Department of Civil Engineering, Nikken Sekkei LTD., Design Department director / architectural design)b) Writing / Research Category:
Yoshihiko Kawauchi, Ph.D. (JTA steering committee member, former professor of Toyo University / universal design)
Hideki Morita (JTA steering committee member, toilet researcher / toilet history)c) Maintenance / Management / Operation Category:
Nobutaka Yamato (JTA steering committee member, Amenity Co., Ltd. CEO / toilet maintenance)
Kohji Yamamoto, Ph.D. (JTA director, Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd. Tokyo branch / road facility management and operation)d) Social Activities Category:
Kohei Yamamoto (JTA Steering committee member, chairperson of Dynax Urban Environment Research Institute/ environment, town development)
Tokio Akabori (JTA deputy chairperson, former secretary general of Natural Park Foundation / natural park environment)Advisors
Shiohiko Takahashi (JTA honorary chairperson, Prof. emeritus of Kanagawa Univ. / architectural & urban design)
Motoyasu Kamata, Ph.D. (JTA honorary director, Prof. emeritus of Tokyo Univ. / building environmental engineering, building equipment)Note: The judging committee members are subject to change.
6. Applicational Information
6.1 Application Method
Please fill in the attached application form of the following items and submit by e-mail to the contact address below.
(1) Title of the work or activity
(2) Applicant name
(3) Affiliation
(4) Applicant contact information (address, email address, phone, etc.)
(5) Application categories
Please select one of the following A) to D) category to match the work or activity.
A) Production category: Design works related to toilets, product design of equipment, materials, and incidental equipment, etc.
B) Writing / Research category: Books, video works, research on toilet culture, research papers, technological development, etc.
C) Maintenance / Management / Operation category: Professional maintenance / management, cleaning, operation, etc.
D) Social activities category: Events, planning, toilet dissemination or enlightenment activities, educational activities, comprehensive toilet activities, health, disaster support, volunteer activities, civic activities, and other non-profit activities
(6) Outline of the work or activity
Please briefly describe in the attached Application Form within 200 words.6.2 Submission of documents for the application and deadline
(1) Deadline is on 9 September, 2022, Friday.
(2) Application documents
(a) Poster explanation about the works and activities
The committee examination will be conducted with this content and (b) the application form below.
Please make one page of A4 portrait size (Vertical: 297mm and Horizontal: 210mm, with 1 cm margin on top, bottom, left and right) and submit the electrical data such as Microsoft Power Point or Word with sufficient resolution.
Please refer to the attached example.
As an example of the explanation content;
in the case of a work, explain it with photographs, floor plans, outlines, features, etc.
in the case of maintenance and activities, explain with photos, outlines, features, etc.
This is printed by JTA and posted for exhibition at the symposium venue. This is also published in the summary booklet with the monochrome colour.
The past works are in the Toilet Association homepages.
https://j-toilet.com/35thsympo/goodtoiletselection/(b) Application form for the commendation selection and posting on JTA homepage
Please fill in the attached “The Application Form for the Good Toilet Commendation in JTA.” It is possible to fill in English and Japanese translation will be supported by JTA.
This is also posted on the JTA homepage and published it without disclosing your contact information.
Please note that the submitted data may be used for the public relations activities of JTA.【Contact】
Japan Toilet Association Good Toilet Commendation Committee Good Toilet Commendation Committee chairperson:
Sachiko Azai (JTA steering committee member, Gondola Toilet Design Office)
Mikiko Takahashi, Ph.D. (JTA director, R & D Headquarters of COMANY INC.)E-mail: goodtoilet-sympo@j-toilet.com
Mailing address: The Good Toilet Commendation Committee of the Japan Toilet Association
c/o Design Office Gondola, Kasuga Town Home 1F, 1-5-3 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0003 Japan.
2022 Good Toilet Commendation Application Guideline Japan Toilet Association Good Toilet Commendation Committee